Sunday, May 27, 2012

Our Puppy is doing great and really getting along well with our whole family.  She loves the ambient noise of my 5 and 7 year olds and is plenty happy in her crate right in the middle of our family room/kitchen where we spend 95% of our waking time.  Sleeping with me in the same place and getting up every 90 minutes on the nose to go potty when she wakes me up.  Eating fine and has been really pleasant.  Does not enjoy the crate in the car and I suspect that may have to do with the airplane trip.  We will ease into that.

We have named her Tommika.  I am a cyclist and have a passion for racing.  One of the current top professional racers in the world and a favorite of mine is a Belgian named Tom Boonen, nick named Tommika.  He hails from the Flandres region and won one of the most prestigious Spring Classics, the Tour of Flandres, on March 24th  this year.  He then won the next weekends Queen of the Classics, Paris Roubaix, a feat seldom accomplished in the over 100 years of these events.   Seemed fitting and original.
Rainy and cool here all weekend so it has been great to devote a lot of time to her initial bonding with her new home.

Hi Karl,
That all sound good for such a short time and what a great name!  My only suggestion would be getting up every 90 minutes -- that sure seems like a lot unless the change in altitude is causing her to drink an enormous amount of water?? -- 


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